
Why BUY this online business ?

November 02, 2014 | Team Kalkine
Why BUY this online business ? Ltd (CRZ), operating in the online advertising business and data & research services in the automotive industry, has caught our attention today with its lucrative panorama.

CRZ witnessed sales of A$236.08m during the year ended June of 2014, which reflects a 9.7% increase from previous year. The Company has illustrated market leadership throughout 1H14. Operating revenue rose to A$112.3m, up by 10% on pcp with operating expenses up 1% on pcp. CRZ’s EBITDA was up 18% on pcp to A$63.5m and EBITDA margins rose to 57%. Operating cash flow was 18% up on pcp to A$43.3m. Further, EPS was found to be 18.5 cents per share, up 16% on the prior half year’s results. Factors that steered the growth primarily entailed the Feb 2013 lead fee price rise in automotive and organic non-automotive growth across various segments. To read the complete report click here.