Simplified Research that resonates to the ever-evolving market conditions.

Diversified Themes Reports

Diversified Themes Reports

This report category allows investors to recognize quality equity stocks based on trending themes.

Low Carbon Research Report
Low Carbon Research Report

The shift toward a low-carbon economy is one of the most significant challenges of current time, spurred by the urgent need to combat climate change and reduce the environmental impact of corporate activities.

Kalkine Stocks Ranking Report
Kalkine Stocks Ranking Report

Kalkine Stocks Ranking Report strives to mitigate market volatility to some extent through its distinctive stock ranking methodology developed by a team of qualified in-house researchers.

Weekly Stock Market Digest
Weekly Stock Market Digest

Kalkine's Weekly Stock Market Digest is a recapitulation of one week's equity and commodity market performance, designed to keep the user abreast of the factors impacting the market performance.

Kalkine IPO Report
Kalkine IPO Report

Kalkine IPO Report presents valuable information to assist individuals with the decision to cash in on the upcoming listing of stocks on the global exchanges.

Global Big Money Report
Global Big Money Report

Featuring high-quality mid-cap to blue-chip stocks with medium and long-term investment horizon. The product caters to individuals, including affluent and High-Net-Worth individuals. The stock selection maintains a balance of conservative and aggressive approach while keeping the right blend of div…

Global Fully Charged Report
Global Fully Charged Report

The Global Fully Charged Report provides valuable information to assist investors in deciding to participate in the electrification, zero-emission and climate change revolution.

Global Green Energy Report
Global Green Energy Report

Global Green Energy report emphasises the significance of renewable energy in decarbonization. The report also provides impetus to shift away from fossil fuel.

Market Event Research
Market Event Research

The report documents the top trending and influential events that have a correlation to stock movements. The report proactively gauge the events and pick stocks that are expected to witness the momentum.

Sector Report
Sector Report

The parlance of stock picking takes shape with theme-based investments. The report fosters individual the most trending themes such as BNPL and E-commerce sector. The investment principle is ushered by top-down approach and provides individual a fair sense of sector drivers, regulatory developments…